January 17-18, 2014 - Cedar Keys, Florida

We stayed at the Cedar Key Bed & Breakfast which was very nice.

We were hungry after flying all day, so after checking in, it was a short walk to Tony's for some of their famous 3X world champion clam chowder.

The next morning, cold and windy it was, despite the bright sun.  During the nice breakfast, we talked with another couple all the way from --  Severna Park, Maryland!  Small world.
The B&B from the back yard.
Also in the backyard was this magnificent tree.
Is this a Cedar Tree?  Whatever it is, it's big.   The Key used to be covered with Cedar Trees, but they were cut down to make pencils, of all things.
The B&B had courtesy bikes so Lynnette and I mounted up and cycled all over the Key.  Bikes are a nice way to explore.   It was too far to walk, but you lose something being cooped up inside a car.  Which we didn't have anyways.
All of the bar/restaurants are in this area.  If we ever come back to Cedar Key, this is where we'll be.
Must be low tide.
Some nice rental condos overlooking the water.
Many water activities -- Airboats, kayak tours, fishing expeditions -- can be enjoyed here.  But not today -- too cold.
We checked out the Cedar Key State Park which had an interesting museum.
We checked out a house lived in by Cedar Key resident and naturalist Saint Clair Whitman in the 1920s.

Time to go.  Back to the airport.

This airport was built in 1932 by the military.  At one time it had a hangar and building but they were wiped out in a hurricane.

Now the facilities consist solely of that blue porta-potty just to the left of the golf cart.  Which is the one facility a pilot wants, if one is all he's gonna have.
The wind was blowing pretty hard when we left, but fortunately it was mostly down the runway.  We took off around 2PM.